Flying A Photography: Blog en-us (C) Flying A Photography [email protected] (Flying A Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:35:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:35:00 GMT Flying A Photography: Blog 90 120 Why "Flying A" ? Left: Flying A Gasoline Right: Flying A Studios Center: Flying A Photography I have a feeling this may become a common question. "Why did you name it Flying A Photography? I don't get it." Well, wonder no more, because here are the main reasons I chose this name.

First of all, I didn't really want to name it "Andrew Chenovick Photography." That's too generic. Everyone does Their Name Photography. I wanted something a little more interesting. So how did I land on "Flying A"? Well, keep reading if you aren't bored yet.

The most obvious reason is that "A" is the first letter of my name, Andrew. Simple.

The next reason is that Flying A has a vintage transportation connection. I like old cars. I take pictures of old cars. This makes sense. Back in the day, there was a fuel company called Flying A Gasoline. Their logo was cool and that inspired me.

Finally, there's a connection to my hometown of Santa Barbara, CA. Way back in the early 20th Century when the film industry was just getting started in Southern California, there was a film production company in Santa Barbara called Flying A Studios (also known as the American Film Company). Not only is the hometown connection convenient, but I'm also an appreciator of old-school films.

So there you have it. The name just fits like a glove. And while I'm not the first one to use the Flying A name, I did design my own version of the winged A logo to make it my own. Any more questions?

[email protected] (Flying A Photography) about flying a flying a photograhpy logo name Fri, 22 Nov 2013 03:23:09 GMT